Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac and Windows

Mac OS X 10.9.x

Shortcut Mac
Windows 7

Shortcut Key Windows
Settings in Preferences -> Keys

Command + 3Ctrl + 3In Eclipse Juno, puts the focus into Quick Access search box, in older eclipse opens quick access dialog.
Command + SCtrl + SSave current editor
Command + 1Ctrl + 1Quickfix for errors and warnings, depends on the cursor position
Control + SpaceCtrl + SpaceContent assist and code completion
Command + Shift + FCtrl + Shift + FFormat source code
Control + QCtrl + QMoves cursor to the last edited position
Command + DCtrl + DDeletes current line in the editor
Command + Shift + OCtrl + Shift + OOrganize imports in the current java file
Command + 2 + LCtrl +2 + LAssign statement to new local variable
Command + 2 + FCtrl + 2 + FAssign statement to a field
Command + OCtrl + OShows quick outline of the java class
Command + fn + F11Ctrl + F11Runs the current opened java class if main method exists or else run the last launched application
Command + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + ROpen / Search for resources
Command + Shift + TCtrl + Shift + TOpen / Search for types, useful in finding classes
Command + ECtrl + ETo select an editor from the currently open editors
Command + fn + F8Ctrl + F8Shortcut for switching perspectives
Command + [
Command + ]
Alt + ←
Alt + →
Go to previous editor position in history
Go to next editor position in history
Fn + F3F3Move cursor to the declaration of the variable
Command + Shift + PCtrl + Shift + PMove cursor to the matching bracket
Command + .Ctrl + .Go to the next problem
Command + Shift + .Ctrl + ,Go to the previous problem
Fn + F4F4Show type hierarchy of the variable
Command + KCtrl + KFind next for search text in the opened editor
Command + Shift + GCtrl + Shift + GSearch for references in the workspace
Command + TCtrl + TShows type hierarchy of the current java class
Control + MCtrl + MMaximize Java editor`
Fn + Shift + F2Shift + F2Shows the javadoc of the method, class
Command + Option + RAlt + Shift + RRename of package, class etc
Command + Option + TAlt + Shift + TOpens the quick refactoring menu

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